Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chairman

The Royal Government has set out a comprehensive strategy on education, as stipulated in the Education Sector Support Program for 2001-2005. The strategy aims to enhance the quality of education that is imperative dimension to instill our human resources with highly technical skills and scientific knowledge such asΒ  entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, responsibility, discipline, morality, virtue, professional ethics, and integrity that required by the labor market.

In response to the Royal Government’s “Rectangular Strategy”, aiming for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency, the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC) was established in accord with the Royal Degree No. NS/RKT/0303/129 dated 31 March 2003, to assure that the quality of higher education institutions in Cambodia meets the international standards. The mandate of the ACC is to administer the accreditation for all higher educational institutions (HEIs) with a view to promoting academic quality of higher education, effective implementation of quality management systems responding to the international standards. It also determines the organization of structure, roles, functions and duties regarding the administration of the accreditation process of higher education for all HEIs which grant degrees in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

We must make our collective efforts to implement the set strategies and concrete reform on the quality of higher education which serve the best interest of our nation and people. In this spirit, may I propose to the members of the Board, the Secretariat and the leaders of higher education institutions throughout Cambodia to devote our physical, intellectual and spiritual ability for this reform as it is an imperative contributor to social and economic development in line with the Government’s strategies aiming for poverty reduction, progress, prosperity and pride of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

H.E. Sok An