The ACC promotes its core values among higher education institutions as follows:
¨ Contributing to national development,
¨ Strengthening global competencies of Cambodian graduates,
¨ Ensuring a fair and fine-tuned quality judgment for all higher education institutions operating in Cambodia.
Strategy 1: To promote awareness and knowledge on QA and accreditation to stakeholders.
Strategy 2: To strengthen the capacities and ensure the effectiveness of the management system of external assessors.
Strategy 3: To build the capacities of the ACC Secretariat’s staff in relation to the effective administration of accreditation process.
Strategy 4: To ensure and enhance the quality of education to align with the predetermined standards.
Strategy 5: To develop information management system and strengthen the management of accreditation information.
Strategy 6: To promote and expand the national and international cooperation.
Strategy 7: To ensure the effectiveness in the management of physical facilities and finance.
Strategy 8: To continue developing standards and indicators to be consistent with the higher education context in the country and international communities of higher education.
Strategy 9: To promote research activities and publications in the ACC Secretariat for the strengthening of quality of education.